Discover many techniques for metal plate-based printmaking, also known as intaglio.
Linocut is a popular printmaking method for artists at all skill levels using a sheet of linoleum to carve the image to print.
Lithography is a traditional printing technique born with the discovery of the printing potential of stone.
Wood engraving is a traditional relief form of printmaking that continues to be used by artists as an original medium.
Engraving on Tetrapak is an alternative to engraving on metal and copper. All you have to do is collect the aluminium-covered cardboard that makes up our food packaging (milk bottles, soup, etc.) and engrave it with a drypoint pen. Unlike linocut, what has been engraved is inked. In fact, the entire Tetrapak plate is inked, emphasising the hollows before wiping with tarlatan. The final step is to use a pasta laminator to print your plate between two sheets of felt. The die can be printed only a few times, just enough to create small images. This engraving technique is quick and easy to do at home.
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